NAME - a simple contacts manager
SYNOPSIS [options]
Allows you to store and lookup contacts in a variety of ways.
string (default)
If string is given, search the contact book for string. The output will be CONTACTNAME: PHONENUMBER for each hit. Note it uses grep so multiple hits Are possible. If no argument is given, then return all contacts from the contact book and also every number that has ever texted or called you. The output will be CONTACTNAME: PHONENUMBER (if in the contact book) or ???: PHONENUMBER if not.
--all [--no-groups]
Return all the contacts in only in your contact book. With --no-group avoids groups. The output will be CONTACTNAME: PHONENUMBER.
Return all the contacts in your contact book and all the phone numbers that have texted or called you, except groups. The form
Return all the phone numbers that have ever texted or called you. The output will be one phone number per line.
Return all the phone numbers that have ever texted you. The output will be CONTACTNAME: PHONENUMBER (if in contact book) or ???: PHONENUMBER (if not).
Same, but for those who have ever called you.
Return the phonenumber associated with the Me entry in contact book.
--name-or-number phonenumber
Return the contact name (if present) or phone number (if not).
--name phonenumber
Return the contact name (if present) or ??? (if not)
a TSV file containing contacts (~/.config/sxmo/contacts.tsv by default)
~/.local/share/sxmo/modem/modemlog.tsv - a TSV file containing every phone number that has ever texted or called you.
~/.config/sxmo/contacts.tsv - a TSV file containing contacts in the format PHONENUMBER tab CONTACTNAME
GNU Affero General Public License v3
sxmo(7), c.f. CONTACTS section