


sxmo - a simple X mobile interface


Sxmo is a collection of simple programs and shell scripts used together to create a fully functional mobile user interface adhering to the Unix philosophy. We focus on Linux smartphones such as the Pinephone. Sxmo is primarily written in POSIX shell scripts and can be easily modified, customised and extended using our hook system.

Sxmo provides an interface that is notably different from most other mobile interfaces, especially in the degree of customisability, so reading this manual is strongly recommended.

If you're just looking for a quick getting started guide with videos demonstrating various gestures, then check .


Sxmo runs both on Wayland (using sway(1)) as well as on Xorg (using dwm(1)). The X in our name historically referred to Xorg, but is now open to whatever interpretation you prefer (eXtensible, eXcellent, eXperimental, etc...)

All POSIX shell scripts provided by sxmo comply to the naming pattern sxmo_*.sh and and most can be found in your /usr/bin/ directory. Hooks, a central feature of sxmo, are named sxmo_hook_*.sh and a specifically designed to be editable by users. See HOOKS.


A brief overview of sxmo's features (in order of presentation):

  • Autologin: sxmo uses tinydm(1) to automatically log you into the window manager of your choice. See INITIALIZATION.
  • Logging: sxmo write logs to ~/.local/state/sxmo.log and others. See LOGGING.
  • Services: sxmo relies on various background services (deamons) that monitor various aspects of your device to provide functionality. See SERVICES.
  • Customizable hooks: sxmo has many hooks (small shell scripts) which allow the user to override almost any behavior. See HOOKS.
  • Customizable statusbar: sxmo uses sxmobar(1) to offer an informative, compact, and customizable statusbar. See STATUSBAR.
  • Multiple forms of input: sxmo handles input from hardware buttons, gestures, touchscreen, stylus, and hardware and onscreen keyboards. See INPUT.
  • Fully customizable menus: sxmo uses bemenu(1), wofi(1), or dmenu(1) for fully customizable menus which are context-sensitive (if in an application, it will open a menu of options for that application). Moreover, sxmo provides an Apps Menu and a Scripts Menu which are also customizable; a Files Menu which allows you to browser your filesystem via; various menus for Configuration and more. See MENUS.
  • Window management: sxmo uses tiling window managers, which makes for a nice fit on mobile devices. See WINDOW MANAGEMENT.
  • Autosuspend, screen blanking, and locking: sxmo uses a state mechanism that allows automatically suspends the device when idle (unless certain programs block it); it blanks the screen and locks the input while in a phone call and the phone is near your face. A locker screen peanutbutter(1) is also available for more secure locking. See STATES AND SUSPENSION.
  • Smart cronjobs: sxmo uses crond(1) to handle cronjobs and a special program called mnc(1) to wake the phone up in time to execute cron jobs. See CRONJOBS.
  • Calls and texting: sxmo allows you to compose both sms and mms (group texts, attachments), and receive and make phone calls. See CALLS AND TEXTING.
  • Contact management: sxmo has a script called which allows you to manage contacts. See CONTACTS.
  • Network configuration: sxmo has a Networks Menu which uses nmcli(1) to setup wifi and mobile data, including hotspots. See NETWORK CONFIGURATION.
  • Audio support: sxmo has full audio support via pipewire(1) and pulseaudio(1), and routes audio while a phone call via callaudiod(1). See AUDIO.
  • Bluetooth support: sxmo has a Bluetooth Menu which uses bluetoothctl(1) to manage bluetooth devices.
  • Upgrading and migration: sxmo has a migration tool called which allows you to easily keep your custom hooks and configs up-to-date. See UPDATING.
  • Notifications system: sxmo has an internal notifications system for texts and missed calls, including popups, led management, and sounds. See NOTIFICATIONS.
  • Miscellaneous: Screen rotation, camera. See MISC.
  • Multiple devices: sxmo supports many different kinds of devices, and users can easily add more. See DEVICES.
  • Environmental variables: sxmo has a lot of environmental variables for configuration purposes. Users can override these with their own preferences. See ENVIRONMENT.

And more (not documented here):

  • SSH as a first class citizen: Log into your phone over ssh and have full access to all sxmo menus and functionality.
  • Alpine Linux / PmOS Based Images: postmarketOS's infrastructure bakes images that bundle sxmo and pmOS (based on Alpine Linux) which keeps things small, simple, and pragmatic
Sxmo was presented at LibrePlanet 2022, you can watch the video at .

If you encounter any bugs, want to request features, or have questions. See BUGS AND SUPPORT.


Sxmo is typically started via tinydm(1), which launches the window manager of your choice (sway(1), dwm(1), or i3(1)) by invoking,, or respectively. These scripts wrap around a shared The entry points are referenced from .desktop files in /usr/share/wayland-sessions/ or /usr/share/xsessions. This means you also can use use any other display manager that reads from there. You may want to consider another display manager if your device is a multi-user device.

tinydm(1) is a tiny automatic login manager for single user machines, meaning it has no password prompt. For security we always recommend setting up full disk encryption on your device. A password prompt like unl0kr(1) is then provided at boot time to unlock disk encryption and unauthorized users have no access to the system.

Note: You can configure the UID in /etc/conf.d/tinydm (on systems using openrc), or using systemctl edit tinydm.service (on systems using systemd). Make sure to change this if you create a custom user. You may switch between the two window managers in the Power Menu if you installed both.

Once the window manager launches, it will execute Sxmo relies on superd(1) to launch various services from this start hook. See SERVICES. You can edit the start hook to start additional services.

You can edit ~/.config/sxmo/profile to override certain common environmental variables such as background image. This will be loaded for every shell environment. See ENVIRONMENT.

Note that sxmo respects the xdg specification, e.g., $XDG_CACHE_HOME, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, etc.

HOOKS: (what executes on startup) (give the displayed wallpaper file path)

SEE ALSO: tinydm(1), superd(1)


As soon as the system initialiazes, the following logs will be available in your $XDG_STATE_HOME directory, which usually corresponds to ~/.local/state/:


The central log for Sxmo. Various scripts output a message here via the sxmo_log function provided by


Contains standard error output from various programs running in your sessions if you are using tinydm(1).


Logs the start of various sxmo (and other) background processes on systems that use superd. See SERVICES.


Sxmo starts various background services, depending on your device and configuration. These are managed by a service manager such as superd(1) or systemd(1). An overview of can be obtained by running superctl status.

The services are typically installed in /usr/share/sxmo/configs/services or /usr/share/sxmo/configs/external_services. The difference between the two is that the latter services are for programs that aren't provided by sxmo-utils, and often conflict with (systemd) services already provided by distributions other than Alpine/postmarketOS. Depending on your distribution, they may not be used.


bonsaid manages the logic for the hardware buttons, and invokes on presses.


dunst(1) is our notification daemon.


Proxy location data to map applications.


mmsd-tng(1) manages incoming MMS messages.


pipewire(1) is a media server.


pulseaudio(1) is a sound server.


Manages automatic suspension after a certain idle time.


Sets the wallpaper, invokes to obtain the wallpaper filename.


This script monitors the battery status using upower(1) and ensures the status bar is updated accordingly.


Starts conky (desktop widget)


Starts the desktop widget via .


Invokes with launches the gesture daemon.


Configures hardware buttons for sway in menus.


The modemmonitor observes the modem for incoming calls, texts and other status changes. It is powered by mmcli(1) and dbus_monitor(1) and required to receive calls and texts. It can be toggled via the Config Menu.


The network monitor looks out for new wifi/mobile connections. It is powered by nmcli(1) and dbus_monitor(1).


Monitors for notifications and dispatches them to the notification daemon ( monitor)


Monitors audio setup changes and updates the status bar accordingly.


This periodically sets the status bar content on Xorg.


A lightweight overlay volume/backlight/progress/anything bar for Xorg


A lightweight overlay volume/backlight/progress/anything bar for Wayland


Hides the mouse pointer when not in use.


vvmd(1) is a lower-level daemon to receive visual voicemail.


Session/policy manager for pipewire(1).

SEE ALSO: superctl(1)


A lot of functionality is also contained in hooks (sxmo_hook_*.sh). Hooks are associated with certain events, such as starting the system, receiving a call, or opening menu. They are called by the core system, or other hooks.

Sxmo uses $PATH to determine which hook executes. It will look first for user-provided hooks in ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/ before it looks in /usr/share/sxmo/default_hooks/ for the system defaults. For example, if you pickup a call and ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/ does not exist, /usr/share/sxmo/default_hooks/ will be run.

Hooks (and configuration files) are versioned with a version hash in a comment. After upgrading your installation you are asked to run to consolidate any new changes from our side with your own modifications. See UPDATING.

While you can manually copy and edit hooks to your liking, (MENU > config > hooks) simplifies this process.

Note also that hooks do not have their own man pages. We have documented each hook in the comment header of that hook, that also explains possible parameters that are provided to the hook. A list of all available hooks in alphabetical order is provided below:

Runs when display of the App menu is requested. Allows you to override the apps displayed.

Runs when the system wants to suspend and contains rules that check whether suspension may happen or should be blocked because certain programs are active.

Runs phone successfully enables/disables callaudio mode.

Runs when a menu is loaded and an application is active. This hook defines all the context menus. You may override or add menus for applications here.

Runs when the system starts to launch a desktop widget. Used to display the clock via conky(1).

Runs asynchronously when you discard an incoming call. Stops the ringing hook.

Runs when the user ends an incoming call.

Runs every time we load a script, you can override icons here.

Runs when a gesture is to be interpreted. This defines all kinds of actions that may be triggered by gestures.

Runs when start of the gestured daemon (lisgd(1)) is requested. This hook allows defining custom gestures.

Runs when the system enters a locked state where typically the screen is still on but input is off. This is NOT the state lockers like peanutbutter(1) use.

Runs after disconnecting from a network. Called by .

Runs after connecting to a new network. Called by .

Runs when a network prepares to go down. Called by .

Runs when a network prepares to go up. Called by .

Runs when a notification is received. Runs once for each notification. May be used for forwarding the notification over a network. Called by the notification monitor ( monitor).

Runs when the number of the notifications changes, i.e. a new one comes in or they are all cleared. This is used for generic things like enabling a LED or playing a sound. Called by the notification monitor ( monitor).

Runs when an incoming call was missed (not picked up). Stops the ringing hook. Called by the modem monitor (

Runs when the modem changes state, used for example to pop up the PIN entry menu. Can be overridden to provide a PIN automatically. Called by the modem monitor (

Runs when the user requests to mute an incoming call. Stops the ringing.

Runs when the phone accepts an incoming call. This is used to stop the ringing.

Runs after waking for suspension.

Runs when display of the Scripts menu is requested. Allows you to override the scripts displayed.

Runs after you just sent a text message.

Runs when a message (sms/mms/vmm) is received.

Runs when a restart of the modem is requested.

Runs asynchronously when the phone receives an incoming call and is used to play a ring tone. It is stopped again by other hooks ( ,,, and called by the modem monitor (

Runs just after the screen was rotated (explicitly).

Runs upon system start in order to start various background services.

Runs to update one of the components of the statusbar

Runs after the system has been stopped in order to do some cleanup.

Runs when the system suspends, the actual suspension call is in here.

Runs when viewing incoming text messages for a given contact.

Runs when the system becomes unlocked again, i.e. the screen is on and responsive again. This state is NOT the state that screen lockers like peanutbutter(1) enter after unlocking.

In further sections in this documentations, all hooks relevant to the topic in question will be mentioned.



The bar located at the top of the screen displays the various workspaces that you have available. These come the form of the numbers 1,2,3,4 (inactive workspaces are not shown). Tapping one of these numbers will take you to that workspace. If you are running dwm rather than sway, you will see right next to it the layout that is activated. The default layout is a vertical stack (three lines). On sway you may see a dedicated input mode indicated with a red background, such as "menu" when you open a menu. The center of the bar the title of the active window.

The right part of the bar is the statusbar, powered by sxmobar(1). It presents status icons for the following:

HOOKS: (override look and feel of the statusbar), (adjust icons)

SEE ALSO: sxmobar(1)


The main forms of input are Hardware buttons (power, raise volume, lower volume), Touchscreen (i.e., touching the screen), and Gestures (i.e., swipes). Sxmo also allows input for a Hardware keyboard (e.g., the pinephone keyboard case or a bluetooth keyboard) and a Stylus. Sxmo also supports a virtual keyboard (svkbd(1) on Xorg or wvkbd(1) on Wayland).


On devices with three buttons (power, volume raise, volume lower), the default button bindings are:

Volume Raise:

  • 1 tap: Launch Main Menu if no app open or Context Menu if app open.
  • 2 taps: Launch Main Menu
  • 3 taps (or hold): Launch Window Management Menu

Volume Lower:

  • 1 tap: Toggle virtual keyboard
  • 2 taps: Toggle the window manager layout state (between monocle/tile/bstack)
  • 3 taps (or hold): Kill app

Power button:

  • 1 tap: Transition to next state
  • 2 taps: Transition to state after next state
  • 3 taps (or hold): Launch terminal

On devices with one button (power), the default button bindings are different. Please refer to for the exact details.

HOOKS: (override input handling behavior)


Sxmo relies on sway(1) or dwm(1) to handle the touchscreen. You can enable/disable touchscreen input via the Config Menu.


Sxmo relies on lisgd(1) for gestures. You can enable/disable gestures via the Config Menu.

These gestures are sensitive to the edge of the screen where the gesture is initiated or where they end up, and some are sensitive to the length/distance of the swipe. Gestures in the main part of the screen, staying clear of the edges, are usually not interpreted and passed to the underlying application unmodified (assuming it has gesture support).

The default gestures are visualized in the following schematic:

The default swipe gestures are:

  • 1 finger right-to-left from right edge: Focus next tag/workspace
  • 1 finger left-to-right from left edge: Focus previous tag/workspace
  • 2 fingers right-to-left (anywhere): Move focused application to previous tag/workspace
  • 2 fingers left-to-right (anywhere): Move focused application to next tag/workspace
  • 1 finger top-to-bottom along the left edge (held pressed): Volume down
  • 1 finger bottom-to-top from the top edge: Show the application menu
  • 2 finger bottom-to-top from the top edge: Show the system menu
  • 1 finger top-to-bottom onto the top edge: Close the active menu
  • 1 finger bottom-to-top from the bottom edge: Show virtual keyboard
  • 1 finger top-to-bottom onto the bottom edge: Hide virtual keyboard
  • 2 finger top-to-bottom onto the bottom edge: Close the current active window
  • 3 finger top-to-bottom onto the bottom edge: Kill the current active window
  • 1 finger from bottom-right corner, swiping diagonally: Rotate the screen
  • 1 finger from bottom-left corner, swiping diagonally: Lock the device
  • 1 finger left-to-right along the top edge (held pressed): Increase screen brightness
  • 1 finger right-to-left along the top edge (held pressed): Decrease screen brightness

There are various default gestures that translate to keypresses for the underlying application, this facilitates navigation in a variety of applications, including terminal-based applications, without needing the virtual keyboard:

  • 1 finger right-to-left onto the left edge: Send Left arrow
  • 1 finger left-to-right onto the right edge: Send Right arrow
  • 1 finger top-to-bottom along the right edge (held pressed): Send Key down (scroll down)
  • 1 finger bottom-to-top along the right edge (held pressed): Send Key up (scroll up)
  • 1 finger right-to-left along the bottom edge: Send Backspace
  • 1 finger left-to-right along the bottom edge: Send Return

HOOKS: (controls how lisgd is started and what the default gestures are), defines the avarious actions.

SEE ALSO: lisgd(1)


A virtual keyboard is essential on mobile devices that lack a hardware keyboard. We use wvkbd(1) on Wayland and svkbd(1) on Xorg. They contain layouts specialized for mobile devices and suitable for a variety of international scripts.

The default gesture to show the keyboard is to swipe up from the bottom edge. The default gesture to hide the keyboard is to swipe down onto the bottom edge. The default hardware key to toggle the keyboard is the volume down button.

Note that with both svkbd and wvkbd, you decide when the keyboard hides and shows. It does not pop up automatically on selection of text input fields.

SEE ALSO: wvkbd(1) or svkbd(1).


If you have a hardware keyboard such as the pinephone keyboard case this should work out-of-the-box. If you have a bluetooth keyboard, see BLUETOOTH.

TODO: Describe dwm/sway bindings?


Sxmo relies on sway(1) or dwm(1) to handle stylus input. You can enable/disable stylus input from the Config Menu.

Menus are a central feature of sxmo and are navigable through using hardware buttons. On three button devices:

You can also simply use the touchscreen to tap your selection if you'd like as well.

The menu backend can be configured via the $SXMO_MENU environment variable, which you can set in your ~/.profile. Supported menu backends are:

All are mediated via

Note that you can also make full use of the menu system when you are connected over SSH, just run to start the main menu! When running in the tty, bemenu will always serve as backend.

In addition to a Main Menu, each application can have its own Context Menu associated with it which defines functions unique to that application (e.g., zoom in, zoom out, etc.).

If no application is focused, swiping down from the top of the screen, or pressing the volume raise button once, will bring up the Main Menu. If an application is focused, this will bring up the application's Context Menu instead. (To access the Main Menu while an application is focussed, press the volume raise button twice.)

You can close any open menu with a gesture: swipe straight up (vertically) onto the top edge of the screen and all the open menus will close. See INPUT.

HOOKS: (what shows up on Apps submenu), (what shows up in Scripts submenu), (controls the content of all the menus, including contextmenus), (icons)


The scripts menu includes some scripts that go well with Sxmo and provide various functionality. Some are included out of the box:

  • Web Search: Search duckduckgo with the query provided by the user (bangs

ork too) (

  • Timer: A simple countdown timer script that vibrates the phones upon
ompletion (
  • Screenshot: Take a screenshot of the screen or a portion thereof
  • Youtube: Search youtube by keyword via a menu and then view in mpv, script
ased on idiotbox ( (
  • Youtube (audio): Like above, but audio-only
  • Weather: United States weather forecast (by zipcode) menu script
  • RSS: Aggregates RSS feeds and let's you view by timespan menu script (based on sfeed(1)
To add your own custom userscripts, you have two options: edit the ~/.config/sxmo/userscripts file or place a shell script in the ~/.config/sxmo/userscripts/ directory.

  • Option 1. Edit ~/.config/sxmo/userscripts and write your entries in it, following the appmenu format <icon> <name> ^ <should-return-to-menu> ^ <script-path-or-command> one entry per line. Example:

$icon_wtr Weather ^ 0 ^ -f "Sxmo:size=5" sh -c "curl | less -SR"

  • Option 2. Create the ~/.config/sxmo/userscripts/ directory and place your scripts in it. Note, Userscripts should be set to be executable. You can set a title for the script by adding a comment line of the following ofrmat near the top of the file:

# title="$icon_glb My World"

For examples of scripts sxmo users have made for their mobile devices, see:

New submissions are welcome there.

HOOKS: (control how userscripts are loaded)


The application menu displays a curated list of applications, provided they are installed on your system. If you use wofi as your menu backend ($SXMO_MENU) or if you have j4-dmenu-desktop(1) installed you also have an "All Apps" menu entry that scans *.desktop files dynamically.

HOOKS: (control list of apps)


A simple menu-based file browser.



The configuration menu provides access to various toggles for enabling, disabling background services.

Further configuration is done using environment variables which are set in ~/.config/sxmo/profile . See ENVIRONMENT. Various tools can also be configured through specific configuration files. In most cases, this comes down to editing a simple configuration in your favourite text editor.


Sxmo uses tiling window managers such as sway(1) and dwm(1). This makes a particularly good fit on mobile devices where screen estate is sparse, as windows are automatically laid out to make maximum use of the available space.

Window management is done using menus. When you do a long press on the volume up hardware button, the window management menu will pop up and allow to switch layouts when multiple windows are open, and to close windows.

Windows can also be conveniently closed via a quick gesture; move with two fingers down onto the bottom edge of the screen to close the focussed window. Focussing windows is done by simply tapping them on the touchscreen.


Sxmo recognizes five basic states:

A schema illustrates the transition between states:

Specific devices may call for specific state workflows:

On desktop systems, which is the default mode if a device is not recognised, there are two states:

On e-ink display devices, such e-readers we often only have one state:

Sxmo will also suspend on most devices, when this feature is available.

The usual workflow is this.

Sxmo also handles automatic transitions from some states to others.

You can set up suspend blockers in the hook.

HOOKS: (what to do after waking up from suspend state), (what to do when transitioning into lock state), (what to do when transitioning into screenoff state), (what to do when transitioning into unlock state), (which processes should prevent the system from to into suspension),



On Wayland, we use peanutbutter(1) as our lockscreen. This locks the screen and protects it from unauthorized acces. It shows the time and status icons when locked. To unlock, the user has to tap any of four quadrants (1 - top left, 2 - top right, 3 - bottom left, 4 - bottom right) in a user-defined order. This constitutes as the passphrase and is configured via the $PEANUTBUTTER_PASSCODE environment variable. It takes an integer (arbitrary length) where numbers (1-4) correspond to the aforemention quadrants, in that order.

NOTE: The default unlock code is 1132 (top left, top left, bottom left, top right).

Peanutbutter needs to be explicitly installed by the user if you want a lockscreen. It doesn't come enabled by default to prevent users from locking themselves out due to not knowing how it works.

See peanutbutter(1).


Sxmo ensures that cron jobs run and will actively wake the phone from sleep temporarily to this end. The cron daemon is installed but not enabled in postmarketOS. Cron has to be started manually with rc-service crond start and set to start on boot with rc-update add crond default. We use a little program called mnc(1) to wake the phone up just before the next planned cron job. We also wrap some sxmo logic in sxmo_rtcwake(1) which launches the cronjob and puts the phone back to sleep when finished.

*/15 * * * * sleep 10

This example will wake the phone up for 10 seconds every 15 minutes.

If you omit for a job, the system will not wake up from suspension to execute the job. Note that in such cases, you might want to use execwait instead as this will set most of the sxmo environment variables, e.g.:

*/15 * * * * execwait sleep 20

HOOKS: (change the program that calculates when to wakeup)

SEE ALSO:, mnc(1)


Calling and texting is fully functional and should work out-of-the-box if your device has a support modem. On devices with a hardware switch such as the pinephone or Librem 5, make sure you have the modem killswitch in the enabled position. You may also need to wait a little bit after booting before modem functionality becomes available.

The scripting behind the scenes works via mmcli(1).


As long as your SIM is locked, a lock icon should appear in the status bar. Sxmo automatically asks for your SIM's PIN code using a menu. Alternatively, you can do so from the command-line as follows:

mmcli -i 0 --pin 1234

You could put this in, but there is of course a significant security risk involved if your device gets compromised!

HOOKS: (runs when the modem changes states)


To place a new call, you can use the Dialer entry in the Main Menu. You will be prompted for a contact or number to dial. Once the call connects, a menu will automatically be launched which hang up or send DTMF tones.

A proximity lock is automatically enabled that will lock and turn off your screen during a call if you have the phone close to your ear. See STATES.

HOOKS: (launch programs when a call is initiated and finished)


To compose a new text message, the Texts entry in the menu has a Send a Text entry ( which first prompts you for a contact (See CONTACTS) or number. After choosing the recipient will by default be dropped into your editor (our default is vis(1)) to compose your message. Once your message is as you'd like it, exit the editor using `ZZ`/`:wq!`. You will now be taken to a new menu to confirm your message from which you can edit/send/add recipients/add attachments/cancel the message.

HOOKS: (what to do when sending sms/mms)



To view existing text message threads you can use the Texts entry in the Main Menu. This menu will let you follow a text file, as it changes, containing your conversation with each number. When a new text is sent or received; the message will automatically be displayed in your standard $PAGER.

While displaying the conversation you can pop out a contextual menu with power up button to reply by text or to start a call with the sender

You can also open a "conversation" window with a gesture from the bottom edge. It will open your editor and the virtual keyboard to type your sms. Save and close the file to send the sms. A new editor will be opened again to type a new message.

HOOKS: (you can edit this to control the look and feel of view of message text, e.g., colors, etc.)


A vital feature of a working phone is being able to receive new texts and pickup calls. This functionality is made possible through a script ( that monitors the modem activities and vibrates the phone, plays a notification or ringing sound, and blinks the green LED when there is an incoming text/call. This monitor is automatically run on start but can be disabled via the menu.

While a call is incoming:

  • The phone will ring and vibrate (unless you disabled these in the Audio menu or in your hooks).
  • A green notification LED will be enabled if your device has one.
  • A menu will appear to allow you to pickup the call. You can also discard the call or ignore the call (mute the ring) from that menu. If you missed the menu for any reason, you can always open the global system menu menu and you'll see a menu entry to pickup the call; of course this is time-sensitive and this menu entry will only be visible while the other party's line is ringing

HOOKS: (adjust volume level when starting/ending call), (if you hangup without answering), (if you hangup), (if you miss the call), (if you tap ignore to ignore the call, i.e., mute the ringing), (if you pickup), (if you dial), (what to do when ringing)

When a new text message comes in:

  • The phone will play a notification sound and vibrate (unless you disabled these in the Audio menu.
  • A green notification LED will be enabled if your device has one.
  • A popup notification will appear.

For more information on viewing incoming messages: See READING TEXTS.

HOOKS: (what to do when an sms/mms is received)


The Networks menu ( provides access various kinds of network configuration.


From the Networks select Add a WPA network. This first scans the networks in your vicinity and shows their SSIDs in a menu. Subsequent selection of one will prompt for the password.

Alternatively, you can launch nmtui(1) for more in-depth configuration.

If your device has a wifi killswitch (like the Pinephone or Librem 5), make sure it is in the enabled position.

HOOKS: (what to do when network goes up), (what to do when network goes down),,


Mobile data (GSM) can be added via the Networks Menu ( It will ask for an APN. It is a wrapper around nmcli(1).


To configure MMS, go to Config.

MMS messaging should work just like regular text messaging. When you Send a Text there will be the option to add multiple recipients or attachments. To make mms work, sxmo relies on mmsd-tng(1). The main configuration will be located in ~/.mms/modemmanager/mms. To make things easier in sxmo, we have a dedicated menu entry in Config called Config MMS. This menu will create a default config and you then can edit fields one by one. The script should take care of restarting mmsd when closed.

Note that you likely will not have to configure mmsd-tng, if your settings are already in Consider contributing your own if it is not.

Note that your carrier's nameserver must be present in /etc/resolv.conf in order to send/receive mms. This should be automatic. However, sometimes NetworkManager will place the wifi's nameservers above the carrier's nameservers, and since /etc/resolv.conf can only use the first three entries, the carrier's nameservers will not be used. To fix this, you can set dns=none in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and use a static /etc/resolv.conf instead.


You can block incoming calls and texts by adding the numbers to ~/.config/sxmo/block.tsv (this filename is actually stored in $SXMO_BLOCKFILE). It syntax is the same as the contacts file. See CONTACTS.


The sxmo contacts system is based on a plain TSV file that can be placed at ~/.config/sxmo/contacts.tsv (the actual filename is actually kept in the $SXMO_CONTACTFILE environment variable, here we assume the default). This TSV file is expected to have two tab separated columns: phonenumber, and contactname. Upon receiving a call, if you have a contact stored associated with the incoming number, the contact name will be displayed instead of the number. Contact names will also appear in the Texts and Dialer menus if they are present in the contacts TSV file. If no contacts.tsv is present, or the number is missing from this file; the contact in menus will show up as ???. A contacts.tsv example might look like:

+122345628	John Smith
+128371642	Jeff Foo
+31612345678	Jan Janssen

You may edit the file in an editor of your choice or use the New Contact entry from the Contacts menu.



You can use the Audio Menu ( to toggle which audio output you want to send sound to. Sxmo uses pipewire(1) and pulseaudio(1). We use callaudiod(1) to route audio during a phone call.

Currently, bluetooth audio during phone calls does not work. Please see:

SEE ALSO: (adjust volume after/before a call)


To enable bluetooth, toggle it in Config. A Bluetooth Menu ( can be chosen from the Main Menu.


Sxmo's packages are typically distributed via your Linux distribution (e.g. postmarketOS). To update run:

..or just use the menu entry within the Config Menu which does the same. This is a just tiny wrapper that invokes your distribution's package manager.

After you update the sxmo packages themselves, be sure to run to guide you through upgrading your (local) config files and hooks, if needed. Your configuration files and hooks may be temporarily stashed away until you complete the migration process. This is so the system can remain fully functional at all times. See for further documentation on this.

New releases will be announced on the ~mil/ mailing list. See for the archives. Mail ~mil/ to automatically subscribe.



When a notification comes in, the status bar will indicate this with an icon, and the menu will have a Notifications entry that also mentioned the number of unread notifications. They can be viewed and cleared through this submenu.

If your device has a green status LED, it will be default be enabled when you have unread notifications.

Notifications are mediated by Whenever a notification comes in or is cleared, then will be called with the number of notifications. This puts an icon status in the status bar if there are any notifications. For each specific notification, is called. This hook can be used, for instance, to forward the notification content over a network.

HOOKS: (runs when there is any notification), (runs once for each notification)



This section describes how to add a new device to sxmo. If you are instead looking for what devices are suitable to run Sxmo, then check the postmarketOS device page at instead.

When adding a new device, there are three basic steps:


The $SXMO_DEVICE_NAME is determined by the following code in upon boot:

tr -c '0[:alnum:].,-' '_' < /proc/device-tree/compatible | tr '0' 'n' | head -n1


In the sxmo-utils source tree navigate to scripts/deviceprofiles/ and make a file called This file should contain various environment variables that define things unique to your device, e.g., input ids, etc. There is a in the same directory that will help.


The following variables are used in device profiles, see DEVICES.


If set, this disables most custom Sxmo binds on the volume keys.


Threshold for detecting touches [default: 125]


Threshold for detecting long presses [default: 60]


Input device [default: /dev/input/by-path/first/touchscreen]


Minimum brightness level (default: 5)


If the modem driver handles gpio, sxmo has to know to disable the events from this input source. This is the name of the input device.

SXMO_MONITOR (display)

The name of the output device for the primary display (e.g. DSI-1). The output can be found with `swaymsg -t get_outputs` or `xrandr` when running dwm.


If defined, all virtual keyboard management is disabled, and some related gesture behavior is changed.


Define this if your device has no modem, modem-related functionality will be disabled.


Power button "Identifier" from swaymsg -t get_inputs command.


The direction to rotate when using the gesture [default: right]


Should the display rotate on start? (useful when the device is landscape by default)

SXMO_STATES (states)

Space separated list of states this device can be in. See STATES.


ID (from xinput) for the stylus device [DWM-ONLY] [default: 10]


The list of suspendable states, with their timeout duration [default: "screenoff 3"]


ID (from xinput) for the touchscreen device [DWM-ONLY] [default: 10]


Path to vibration device (see sxmo_vibrate.c and clickclack.c) [default: /dev/input/by-path/platform-vibrator-event]


Strength parameter to pass to sxmo_vibrate [default: 1]


Volume button "Identifier" from swaymsg -t get_inputs command. If the volume up identifier ($VOL_UP_ID) is different from the volume down identifier ($VOL_DOWN_ID), set $SXMO_VOLUME_BUTTON="$VOL_UP_ID $VOL_DOWN_ID". See for example the sxmo-utils/scripts/deviceprofiles/sxmo_deviceprofile_xiaomi, file.


In addition to the deviceprofile file, which defines things like touch input ids, etc., you will also want to set a locking workflow for the device. We have three basic defaults to which all the devices symlink. Navigate to configs/default_hooks/ in the source tree. You will see there are three folders and several symlinks. These folders contain various hooks that handle locking mechanisms. There are at present three basic folders: three_button_touchscreen, one_button_e_reader, and desktop. You can also create your own, but usually you'll just want to symlink to one of these.


This sections explains some smaller miscellaneous aspects of Sxmo.


Rotating the screen (from portrait to landscape) can be done either automatically or manually. Automatic rotation can be enabled or disable via the Config Menu. The script performs the actual rotation.

A default gesture is also available to rotate, swipe from the bottom-right corner towards the center.


If your device has a flashlight, you can toggle it via the main menu.


If your device has a suppored camera, you can launch a viewer to take photos and videos via the main menu.


Hint: type env to see environmental variables. Environmental variables can be overridden (generally) in ~/.config/sxmo/profile or ~/.profile. See also ~/.Xdefaults, ~/.config/sxmo/xinit, and ~/.config/sxmo/sway.

sxmo respects the xdg protocal, falling back to some sane defaults if this is missing on your system. The most relevant ones are:













The default values for environment variables are set in /etc/profile.d/ . If you want to override them, use your ~/.profile. Sxmo itself defines the following variables, in alphabetical order:


String to indicate the default country sxmo should fallback to when the phone numbers are not country code prefixed. Should be set to a country code (iso-3166) such as FR for France, DE for Germany, US for the Unites States. See CONTACTS.


the virtual keyboard used, defaults to svkbd-mobile-intl (svkbd(1)) on Xorg on wvkbd-mobile-intl on Wayland. (wvkbd(1))


parameters to pass to the virtual keyboard upon launch


blocked number metadata (~/.local/share/modem/block).


A file with phone numbers to block (~/.config/sxmo/block.tsv).


temporary cache files (~/.cache/sxmo)


a TSV file containing contacts (~/.config/sxmo/contacts.tsv)


if defined, extra debug messages will appear in ~/.local/state/sxmo.log .


a string containg the default draft text for text messages.


the device name. Sxmo will also load all the variables in /usr/bin/sxmo_deviceprofile_$, such as id for touch input, whether the device has leds, and so on. See DEVICES.


where sxmo logs metadata about calls and texts received. Under this directory, there will be several subdirectories, one for each number, which contain the content of the text messages received. (~/.local/share/modem)


The menu program to use. This must be either dmenu(1), bemenu(1) or wofi(1), you can not just specify an arbitrary binary here as Sxmo must have internal support for it.


Set SXMO_NOTCH to a string to use for (under) the notch, the length of the string determines the width, do NOT use spaces or tabs.


Integer value determining where to place the notch in relation to other sxmobar components. Value is trial and error (default is 29).


The directory where notifications are stored (mediated by


the distribution (postmarketos, archlinux, etc.)


Terminal to launch. Defaults to foot(1) on wayland or st(1) on Xorg. Launching a terminal is mediated via, which reads this variable.


The audio file to play when the phone is ringing.


The number of times the audio file will play.


the file containing the current state


the scaling factor to use for sway


The audio file to play when the phone is receives a text.


The vibration strength to pass to the haptic feedback when a text arrives.


the window manager used (sway or dwm)

Other relevant environment variables are, in alphabetical order:


default web browser


If set to 1, when scrolling past the beginning or end of a menu, wraps around it (dmenu only)


dbus socket


options to pass to bemenu


default text editor


Set to 1 when running under Wayland.


the system path, this will be set to look in ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/$SXMO_DEVICE_NAME/, /usr/share/sxmo/hooks/$SXMO_DEVICE_NAME/, ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/, and ~/usr/share/sxmo/hooks/ before the regular PATH the operating system sets.


Set to value wayland when running under Wayland.


default shell


sway socket


The current desktop (sway or dwm)

Hint: you can type _sxmo_grab_session from the commandline to reload environment variables (e.g., if you switch window managers but are logged in over an ssh connection).

There are other environmental variables that are device specific. See DEVICES. As well, several scripts have their own environmental variables which we do not list here.


~/.local/state/sxmo.log - sxmo's logfiles. See LOGGING.

~/.config/sxmo - most sxmo config files

~/.config/sxmo/profile - profile where you can customise environment variables. See ENVIRONMENT.

~/.config/sxmo/hooks - your user-defined hooks. See HOOKS.

~/.config/sxmo/userscripts - either a file or a directory containing your userscripts. See MENUS.


Sxmo is developed by a wide community of contributors, to whom we are all grateful. See the git log for full details.


Former maintainers:


We have the following support channels for questions and bug reports:

~mil/ (e-mail)

This is a low-volume read-only mailing list used for announcing new package releases. See .

~mil/ (e-mail)

This is our primary asynchronous developer support channel where you can send code contributions as patches via git-send-email(1). See .

~mil/ (e-mail)

This is our primary asynchronous user support channel where you can send questions, bug reports, and featVure requests. Please check if your question is not already answered before posting. Here you can also discuss the general goals of the project, your experience daily driving, and have other fun discussions with the Sxmo community. See . (web)

This is our bug/feature tracker. It is for confirmed bugs and tracking feature requests. Not for user support. See .

#sxmo (IRC)

We have the channel #sxmo and #sxmo-offtopic on the OFTC IRC Network ( Here you can talk to Sxmo users and developers in realtime. Moreover, you can get help with Sxmo and related projects. Please stay around for answers when asking questions. A web-based chat is available via (Matrix)

This is a Matrix bridge to the IRC chat. See .

PostmarketOS Wiki (web)

The postmarketOS Wiki contains user-maintained Tips & Tricks pages for Sxmo like .

There are a number of communities working on FOSS mobile distros, middleware, apps, and hardware development. You can join the other chatrooms related to FOSS mobile via the following matrix space:

Sxmo is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.

SEE ALSO lisgd(1) peanutbutter(1) svkbd(1) wvkbd(1)